Everything That You Need to Know About Tattoo Aftercare

Tattoo aftercare is an essential aspect of the tattoo process. Proper care can help you prevent scarring and even infection. Figuring out a care routine that works the best for you is the tricky part. However, with the help of a professional tattoo artist, you will be able to have insight and products at your disposal to ensure the longevity of your tattoo! That said, your tattoo care does not stop once you leave the shop. Let’s go over what you can expect the days after receiving a new tattoo.

Day 1

After coming home you will have a wrap on your brand-new tattoo. Your artist should have instructed you on how long you should keep your tattoo covered. When the time comes to remove your wrap you should wash your hands first and be gentle when peeling off the protective layer. After removing your wrap you will want to gently wash your tattoo with lukewarm water and anti-bacterial soap. Lastly, you will want to lightly pat dry the wet area.

Day 2-3

In the following couple of days after getting your tattoo you will want to continue to wash it a couple times a day. You might notice ink running off into the sink. This is completely normal and does not warrant panic, this is just extra ink passing through your skin. During this time your skin will still be sensitive, so it is important to apply an ointment to soothe your skin!

Day 4-6

During this stretch, it is common to see “second skin”, or peeling and scabbing make its appearance. For best practice cleaning be sure that your hands are clean and that you remove while running the affected area under water. Once you are done cleaning the “second skin” be sure to allow the skin to dry before applying ointment. 

Day 6-14

By now any scabs will have hardened and begin to flake. It is important to not pick at them or pull them off, just allow them to heal naturally. Avoiding this tip can result in pulling ink off your tattoo or allowing your scars to become permanent. Due to the flaky skin, you can experience itchy sensations. It is best to apply moisturizer to combat this.

Day 15-30

This is typically the last stage of the healing process. During this time most flakes and scabs should be gone and healed. However, the tattooed area may still appear dry and dull. It is important to keep up with your moisturizing. In the final days, you should begin to see your tattoo become vibrant as you and your artist attend!

Find The Right Tattoo Aftercare For You At Skin & Bone Studio

Our team at Skin & Bone Studio takes pride in each and every piece that we tattoo. Working with our team allows you to have access to the right aftercare that suits your tattoo and needs! For more information on proper tattoo aftercare contact our team today. You can reach us by filling out a contact form on our website or through our socials!


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