How To  Become a Fine Line Tattoo Artist

Are you interested in becoming a fine-line tattoo artist? In this blog, we will be going over just how you can become a fine-line tattoo artist. The key to becoming a tattoo artist does not have to be a secret, that is why we created this guide! Follow along as we break down easy steps on how you can hone your craft. 

Learning To Draw

As with just about any other career, you must first lay down a solid foundation. In this line of work that means to learn to draw, paint, sketch, etc. While being born with these abilities may make the journey easier, it does not mean that you are out of luck if drawing does not come easy to you. No matter if that comes through art school, or a mentorship, all that matters is that you start somewhere. 


Perhaps the only thing that is older than the art of drawing is the art of practicing. Drawing is the foundation of tattooing. In order to become successful at your craft it is a good idea to constantly push yourself outside of your comfort zone. That means practicing drawing with intent as your objective with the idea in mind that you want to mark people permanently. 

Build A Portfolio

Building a portfolio is an essential task on your way to becoming a successful tattoo artist. Your portfolio is ultimately your resume in this line of work. As you get continue to draw more and more it is important to begin accumulating your best work. This will demonstrate two things to future artists. One that you have potential and two that you are willing to do the work. 


One of the most important things that you can do to become a tattoo artist is to land an apprenticeship. Rest assured, this task can be very difficult. While this can sound like a wonderful time to spend your time drawing and working with other artists, it offers long hours and hard work. It is good to remain modest, patient, and open-minded in your apprenticeship.

Finally, Land a Position

Landing a position at a respectable shop is paramount to becoming a successful tattoo artist. Occasionally, after your apprenticeship, you will have the opportunity to turn that into a full-time position. The portfolio you used to land an apprenticeship is not the same product you should bring when attempting to land a full position. Towards the end of your apprenticeship, you will have plenty of opportunities to add to your impressive resume!

Find Professionals At Skin & Bone Studio

For more information about how professional fine line tattoo artists operate contact our team of experts! At Skin & Bone, we staff only the best and most experienced tattoo artists. If you are interested in seeing our artist's work in person visit our physical shop in the heart of Plymouth!


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