Jewelry Changes in Pembroke, MA

Looking to change out your jewelry? Schedule a visit to our physical shop today!

How It Works

After you have gotten your new ear piercing and it has taken time to heal for roughly 6 to 8 weeks you can then change out the jewelry. When that time comes we are happy to help you with changing out your jewelry for a more desired earring!

A close up of a bunch of earrings.
A close up of a women showing off her new jewelry change.

Our Expertise

Our experienced team at Skin & Bone Studio is here to ensure that your piercing has healed properly. We take proper measures to safely remove your original jewelry and clean the piercing before assisting with any replacement.

Schedule Your Jewelry Change With Us Today!

Choose Skin & Bone Studio for your next jewelry change! Our team has the proper equipment and tools to ensure a clean and smooth experience!